Year 6 - 2022-2023
Year 6 SATs
Spring Term
Autumn Term
Home learning from 8th March 2021 - Shielding or Self-isolating families
We are really looking forward to seeing you back in school from Monday 8th March 2021, we have lots more exciting learning planned for the rest of the spring term and we can't wait to have classrooms full of wonder and excitement again. However, we are aware that the COVID-19 pandemic is still a very real concern in our communities and it may be that you have to shield to protect yourself or a family member or have to isolate, should someone in your household feel unwell with symptoms related to COVID-19. If this is the case, don't worry you can still keep up-to-date with the learning that is happening in the classroom by following the PPTs in the folders below. There will be no Zoom lessons during this time but please feel free to email your class teacher using the class email accounts if you need any support with home learning.
Seahorses: Cormorants:
Please continue to post work on our Padlets.
"A Christmas Truce" by Carol Ann Duffy - A Year 6 Performance 2020

Year 6 - 2020/2021 Cormorants and Seahorses
Please find below new pages for Year Six 2020/2021
Should your child develop symptoms or require time off school, we recommend using the resources within the pages below to keep up to date with school work. Should the entire year group need to isolate these page will be updated with relevant CLPE (English) and White Rose (Maths) resources and we will contact you about other methods we will be using to support home learning.
Year 5/6 Spelling List
Year 6 Home Learning
Good Morning Year 6. We can't believe this is the last week of a very unusual academic year. You will certainly go down in history as school leavers of 2020. We wanted to know what a fantastic year group you have been. One of the saddest things for us is that we didn't get to teach you for longer. It was such a pleasure working with you every day. We also wanted to say how incredibly proud we are of you and the way you have managed all of this. A huge thanks to your parents too, who have taught you and supported you so brilliantly. I know it will be sad to say Goodbye this week but you are all more than ready for new challenges and experiences.
Good Luck at secondary school.
As I'm sure you've noticed, you haven't heard much from Mrs. Lane in recent weeks. She has had to take some time to look after herself and
the baby. She is really missing you all though and wanted to send you this message:-
Dear Lobsters and all of Year 6,
Well what a year this has turned out to be! I can’t quite believe how quickly this year has flown by. I know this wasn’t the year you were expecting, it certainly wasn’t the year I was expecting either, and you’ve missed out on a lot of things. But I am so proud of how each and everyone one of you has adapted. You will certainly remember this time forever!
I have no doubt when you leave us at Holy Trinity, you will leave as wonderful, mature young people, ready to face the world and all that it throws at you. You will all take secondary school in your stride!
I am so sorry I haven’t been able to be there for the last part of your primary school journey. I am truly very sad that I won’t get to see you all before the next chapter in your lives, but sometimes life has other plans for us. The little lobster I am hatching just needs a bit more extra care at the moment.
We really hope you stay in touch and let us know what you are up to and even come back and see us sometime!
I am really looking forward to watching Star Warts! I hope you’ve enjoyed the last few weeks, even if they weren’t how we planned!
Mrs Lane
Next Week
It has been a really challenging time we know and you have missed out on so much but we hope to make your last week as memorable as we can. Below are some of the things to look out for.
These will take place on Tuesday 14th July at 9.30 for Bubbles A, B and C and on Friday 16th at 9.30 for Bubbles D, E and F. These will be on Trinity TV. Tune in to see Mrs. Herrero wish them all well.
Children who are still at home will be mentioned in the group they had been allocated. We will E Mail you with the details.
Star Warts-The Umpire Strikes Back!
We have had so much fun with this. I don't think we had quite understood the challenges of producing a play when the children are in on different days, in different Bubbles, can not share props or resources and have to keep a distance! Nevertheless we have a fantastic production to share with you. Miss Smith is currently working hard to try to edit all of these separate bits together (no mean feat) and we will let you know when it's on the website and available for screening.
End of Term
Don't forget we will finish school at 12 O clock on Friday.
Star Warts - A Year 6 Production
The moment you have all been waiting for... you've seen the trailer, heard the songs (many times!) and now you can watch the feature length production of "Star Warts"
We took on this performance amidst the global pandemic of COVID-19 and we had many obstacles in our way for our performance this year; we were missing some of our classmates and some of our teachers (We've missed Mrs Lane especially and we are sending her all of our love!), we adhered to social distancing throughout which brought it's own challenges, we braved the elements to sing and dance outside in the wind to ensure we were socially distant but could still perform as a group (Miss Smith has tried to battle the wind in some of the songs as best as she can but for some it may require the volume turned down slightly to avoid the worst of it), we hand made props, costumes and staging (with some top class crafting skills from Ms. Lilley!) and we recorded a scene via Zoom so we could include our classmates who weren't in school.
As the file is rather large, we have had to host it on another page - click on the link below to view. If you would like a keepsake we recommend downloading it on to a laptop/PC - this feature length film deserves to be seen on the big screen!
We have had so much fun producing this performance and we have all laughed, danced and sung our hearts out over the last 6 weeks - we really hope that you all have as much fun watching it as we had making it!
May the fore (sauce!) be with you!!
Download here: