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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Courageous Advocacy

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars


"Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith as we are rooted and grounded in love"

Ephesians 3:17


At Holy Trinity, we believe that advocacy is not merely an act of speaking out, but a manifestation of our core values, which are deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus. We cherish our school values—Community, Aspiration, Resilience, and Enjoyment—grounded in the teachings of Jesus, and promote a culture of Courageous Advocacy.


This foundation shapes our worship and the daily life within our educational environment, allowing us to celebrate Courageous Advocacy in meaningful ways. It is inspiring to witness our pupils embody these values, as many of them are motivated to champion causes that resonate with their hearts. For instance, we have seen children and staff courageously donate their beautifully long hair to create wigs for other children undergoing cancer treatment, showcasing compassion and selflessness. Additionally, some have climbed mountains to raise funds for various important causes.


These acts not only illustrate the importance of advocacy but also empower our students to make tangible differences in the world, encouraging a lifelong commitment to social justice and charitable acts.


Over recent years we have, and continue to, carry out a range of different fund raising activities to support many fantastic causes, some of which include:


  • Stratford upon Avon Local Food Bank
  • Harvest Festival Donations
  • Children in Need
  • The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
  • Rags to Riches Clothing Appeal
  • Romanian Christmas Shoebox Appeal


Courageous Advocacy in Action within our School Community


Our fantastic children and staff regularly undertake acts of Courageous Advocacy, which reflect our Christian values and ethos.


Mrs DeHoest spreads Christmas Cheer!



On behalf of the Amen Trust, our wonderful Mrs DeHoest has been collecting donations from staff and children to fill shoeboxes to send to Romania as part of the Romanian Christmas Shoebox Appeal. Donations from members of our school community have helped to fill 45 shoeboxes to send to Romania throughout December. Thank you for helping to send seeds of love to those in need. 



Luca and his Dad challenge themselves to climb Mount Snowdon



Luca is a keen cyclist and expressed an interest in being able to support a class mate who has Cerebral Palsy and uses a wheelchair to purchase a specialised trike. Specialised trikes are very expensive and Luca was adamant that he wanted to do something to help raise as much money as possible to support this fantastic cause. 



Staff and Children get the chop




Esa and Miss Adams are just two examples some of our wonderful school community who have donated their hair to The Little Princess Trust who make real hair wigs for children and young people who are suffering from cancer or other hair loss illnesses.