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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Friday independent activity

Now that we know how to draw pictograms, we can learn how to interpret them.  This means using them to find out information.

During the zoom, we practised answering different questions about the pictograms.  You will have further practice of this in your independent work.  Please remember in the pictograms today, each picture represents one item.

Please see below for the White Rose video to recap the learning.

We have then provided the worksheet or you can complete the practical activity.

White Rose video - Interpret pictograms (1-1)

There is an online activity today or a practical activity which can be completed by looking at the pictogram below and answering the questions about it, through discussion or by recording your answers in your green book.
If you would like more problem solving challenges on interpreting pictograms, please see below.