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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Wonderful Work

Imogen's shapes. Well done!
Arthur made a range of 2D shapes as pens for his stormtroopers, well done!
Anusha's shapes. Fantastic!
A super book theatre, designed and made by William S.
Look at this amazing book theatre from Imogen.
Emma tried hard with her pirate diary entry.
Anusha has been working hard on her maths.
Here is Freddie's lovely diary about pirate day!  He has also drawn his zoo using the information from the block diagram, and labelled the continents on the world map.
Lorenzo has completed his Maths and used some time words in his diary.
Did you manage to spot some of the 2D and 3D shapes on your scavenger hunt?  Here are some that the keyworker children spotted around school.
Here is Joseph's super diary entry!
Brody made a good range of 2D shapes and found some 3D shapes around his house!
Nicholas enjoyed making some 2D and 3D shapes.
Here is Lorenzo's excellent cube!