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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.


Maths Home Learning 


If you at home isolating because you or a family member are unwell, you can use the following lessons to keep up to date with our maths lessons. These online lessons follow our White Rose scheme of work which all our maths lessons in school follow. Below you will find information on what we are doing in class so that you can follow along at home,  a White Rose Workbook which is an optional extra and some key mathematical vocabulary that your child should be using.


Each week a new set of videos will be added below based on what we are doing in class. We suggest that you following along and complete the questions within the videos.


As always we would love to see your work so don't forget to take a picture and send it to us via Twitter or , alternatively you can email us using our class emails: Seahorses - Cormorants -



Autumn One


Below are the weekly lessons we will be covering in autumn one, please follow along with each week if you are self isolating and complete the questions in the lesson slides.

Year 6 Maths - Key Vocab

Optional extras