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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.



Dear Parents and Carers,

As you will be aware, some of our bubbles have had to isolate and some non-isolating bubbles have children who are having to self-isolate. Therefore, we will be uploading spellings, Maths and an overview of the English learning.  Please keep a check on the home learning page and on your emails to see if there is anything new for the Year 2 learning. Thank you.


Summer 1

Spring Term 2021

We hope you all had a peaceful and relaxing Christmas break.  We welcome you back to our virtual classroom.  We were really pleased with how you all engaged with our zooms and online learning when Year 2 shut down for two weeks in November and we look forward to seeing you on these again.  We will email the details to you as soon as possible.  Please look on the Spring Term page (click the green swirl below this message) to see the independent learning we will provide for you.  Our Zoom sessions will link to these.  They are as follows:

English - 11.15am - 11.45am

Maths - 9.30am - 10.00am

Phonics (small group only - you will receive a separate email invite if your child is part of this) - 11.45am - 12pm.

We will also upload some foundation subject activities for you to complete.  Please do not feel obliged to print everything out as we understand this can be expensive.  We will try to provide online versions (eg. videos) where possible.

Thank you for your understanding and we will see you on Zoom!

Year 2 staff


Autumn Term 2020

Welcome back to the new school year!  During these "different" times, we are aware that sometimes children are not going to be able to attend school if they have a member of their household who is displaying Covid-19 symptoms or waiting for results of a test.  In order for the children to keep up with their learning, or should you wish to do some extra work with your child on what they have been doing in school, we will be putting up some resources to support you.  These can be found in the Autumn Term 2020 folder below and will be updated weekly.  As always, should you have any questions, please ask Mrs Minshell or Miss Cottrell.


Update 20.11.2020 - A huge well done and thank you to all parents and carers for your efforts during weeks 10 and 11 with continuing your children's learning from home while Year 2 was closed (as well as those who had been doing so in previous weeks due to isolating sooner!).   We have really enjoyed working with your children on Zoom and seeing what they have done at home from the website but we are obviously very much looking forward to having them back in school on Monday 23rd!



  • Maths - Problems of the day
  • Daily maths lessons with answers 
  • Weekly spellings added
  • Mini project - design a board game


Dear Parents/Carers,


Soon your child will be moving into Year 3.  To help with the transition, there will shortly be 6 videos uploaded by the Year 3 team. You can choose to access these videos as and when you would like during the 6 week holiday - we suggest viewing one a week until the return to school.  

We will upload the White Rose maths for week beginning 13th July and a small, making a game project but then there will be no further learning added.  However, the learning page will remain accessible over the holiday.  Please continue to read throughout the summer and practise the spellings that we have learnt.


We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to parents for your support during what has been a very difficult  time and to your wonderful children who have continued to work so hard and impressed us so much with their  enthusiasm.   This period will go down in history and some day your children will be telling their children about this strange experience.


We hope that everyone has a safe and happy summer.  Enjoy the sunshine, being outside and most of all have lots of fun!