Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
Our SENDCo is Hannah O'Sullivan. She can be contacted on 01789 205811, or via the school email admin3204@welearn365.com.
Holy Trinity takes pride in the fact that it is an inclusive school where every child matters. We recognise that any child may experience additional needs at some point on their school journey and that for some children, these needs may be more long term requiring more personalised planning and support. We strive to deliver this support to the best of our ability, seeking advice from professional bodies as appropriate, ensuring staff are trained and confident to teach for a range of needs, working closely with parents and carers to enhance the learning experiences and ensuring that the child’s views are heard.
Send Report Sept 2021
SEND Policy
Warwickshire County Council SEND Information
Click the link below to access Warwickshire's SEND Information.