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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Week Six WB 08.02.21

Well-being Week


We really appreciate how hard you and your children have been working over the past 5/6 weeks, we know how hard it has been to be learning in this way but we have been so impressed with the quality of work we have received and children's engagement and attendance in Zoom lessons. We understand the impact that this style of learning can have on children's well-being, so this week we will be off the usual curriculum as we want to ensure that the children have a chance to slow down and be rewarded for their hard work in a difficult half-term. All lessons will be done over Zoom using our usual timetable/Zoom links, registers will still be taken at the start of each session so please ensure your child is present. We want to keep this week a surprise for the children so resources will be uploaded as and when they are needed. If for whatever reason, your child requires extra English/Maths work, please use the resources below. We're looking forward to a fun, creative week this week and we have plenty of exciting surprises up our sleeves! 

Miss Smith & Ms Castle

Monday 8th February 2021

Zoom Challenge Day 


All will be revealed in our 4 Zoom sessions (9am, 10.30am, 1.30pm and 3.30pm - please use the usual links), come armed with a sense of fun, determination and a pen/pencil and some paper.

Tuesday 9th February 2021

Artist Zoom Session 10.30am (Seahorses) 11am (Cormorants)


You will need to join the Zoom session during your classes time using our usual 10.30 Zoom link.


You will need:


  • Scissors
  • Black card/paper
  • A toilet roll tube or similar
  • A pencil
  • Glue/tape



Tea, cakes and catch-up - 1.30pm


During Tuesday's 1.30pm session, we are inviting children to come to the session with a cup of tea/hot drink, a slice of cake/biscuit and just have a catch up and chat session. We will also we going over the instructions for our screen-free Wednesday project.

Wednesday 10th February 2021

Screen-free Wednesday


There will be no Zoom sessions today. All instructions for this session will be discussed in Tuesday's 1.30pm Zoom.

Thursday 11th February 2021

Special Guest


During today's 10.30am Zoom session, we will be joined by a special guest for a fun activity. All to be revealed.


Zoom Link: 


Topic: Yr 6 dance with Miss Gemma 

Time: Feb 11, 2021 10:30 AM London


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 903 094 9076

Friday 12th February 2021

Well-being Friday


Today's 9am session will focus on well-being with fun games, coping strategies and visualisation techniques.