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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Tuesday independent activity

Today, we have recapped making arrays, where the circles are lined up in rows and columns.

Please watch the video from the link below (Video 5) to catch this up if you missed it.


For your practical task, in the back of your green book, can you write how many rows and columns each of the arrays below have? eg.  There are  ___ rows and ___ columns.  You do not need to draw these arrays, just write the sentences.


Then, we would like you to carefully draw the arrays for each of these statements.  Remember to draw the circles carefully and line up the rows and columns.  Rows go across in a line so a row of 3 dots would have 3 dots going across.


4 rows of 3 dots


5 rows of 2 dots


3 rows of 5 dots


2 rows of 6 dots


If you would like some problem solving activities, please see the Word document.