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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.


Alive, Once Alive, Never Alive


For Science, we are going to investigate what is alive, what used to be alive and what has never been alive.


First, please watch the video and complete the online activity from the BBC website.


Then we would like you to go outside in your garden or on your daily exercise and see what you can spot.  Can you spot some examples of things which are alive, things which used to be alive and things which have never been alive?  Please then neatly draw (or stick photos) and label them on to the sorting sheet in the correct columns from the Word document.  This sheet can then go into your green book.

If you are not able to get outside, we have included some pictures for you to sort instead.  These can be found on the second page of the Word document.


If you would like to play a board game based on this learning, we have included one of those with instructions for how to play!