Notes for parents and carers
Writing lesson Thursday and Friday, 'The Egg'
Watch the 3 short video clips
Make sure your child has their story map, time word list, sound and word mats.
Encourage your child to look at their story map for ideas and to say their sentences aloud before they write. Encourage them to use the time word list to select a suitable time word to begin each sentence. Talk about some of the lovely vocabulary they could magpie from the text.
Allow your child to spend as long as they need to complete their writing. They may prefer to have 2 shorter sessions rather than one long one.
Remind them to use punctuation and to check their work when they have finished.
There is some Handwriting for Friday should your child need an extra task.
If your child is at the beginning of their writing journey, they could chat about their favourite part of the story. Ask them questions about this. Encourage them to think of a simple sentence and support them to write it. Don't forget a capital letter to start and a full stop at the end and finger spaces between words.
Writing Lesson Part 1

Part 2

Part 3