Today's zoom involved practising dividing by 5. It is really useful to know your 5 times tables facts and/or to be able to count up in 5s to help solve dividing by 5 problems, as it takes a bit longer to draw out groups of 5!
Here is the video in case you missed or want to recap the zoom.
Please have a go at completing either the worksheet or the practical activity. The practical activity does not have to be printed, you could write the numbers on post-its or scraps of paper and make a racetrack out of them, then work your way along them dividing each number by 5 and time how long it takes you. You can adapt the numbers used to make it easier or more challenging according to your needs and keep practising, seeing if you can beat your time from your previous turn. Remember you can count in 5s on your fingers until you reach the number then see how many fingers you have up, like we practised in the zoom!
Please see below for problem solving activities involving dividing by 5. You can also look in the extra practice folder to find more opportunities to practise dividing by 5.