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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Thursday - double maths!

Today is all about 3D shapes!

Please use the game below to revise the names of 3D shapes (you will need to move the slider across to select 3D shapes).

Our first activity will be counting faces, edges and vertices on 3D shapes.  If you would like to watch the White Rose videos to learn a little about each of these, we have included these below.

White Rose - Count faces on 3D shapes

White Rose - Count vertices on 3D shapes

White Rose - Count edges on 3D shapes

Then we will use our knowledge to count the faces, edges and vertices on various 3D shapes, filling in the sheet below.  Maybe you can find objects at home that are the same shape (think back to your shape scavenger hunt during lockdown).

Our second activity involves thinking about those properties to sort 3D shapes using a Venn diagram (eg. more than a certain number of vertices, shapes of faces, less than a certain number of faces)

Please watch the video to get some more ideas for ways to sort shapes.

The Venn diagram is then on the sheet.  Try to think of two categories where there will be some shapes that have both properties - they will go in the overlapping part.

White Rose - Sort 3D shapes