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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Home learning 1st to 8th July

Hello and welcome to a week of home learning.  We have put together a timetable for zoom lessons and will be creating a 'menu' of activities that you can do at home with your child.  At school, our focus for the last few weeks is to get children forming their letters correctly and to focus on reading fluency and comprehension.  Over the next week, it would be really helpful if your child could do handwriting practice every day and read using the books they have from school and the Oxford Owl online books.  

Home Learning ideas for the week

Home Learning Zoom Timetable 1st – 8th July






1.30pm onwards

Thursday 1st

Zoom meeting with parents at 10.00am


Handwriting and Literacy


Friday 2nd


Mental maths followed by White Rose Home Learning

Handwriting and Literacy

Staff will be doing 1 to 1 reading zooms with invited children.  In this time, please use the Oxford Owl online books to listen to your child read daily and complete some of the activities from the home learning menu. 

Monday 5th


Mental maths followed by White Rose Home Learning

Handwriting and Literacy

Tuesday 6th


Mental maths followed by White Rose Home Learning

Handwriting and Literacy

Wednesday 7th


Mental maths followed by White Rose Home Learning

Handwriting and Literacy

Thursday 8th


Mental maths followed by White Rose Home Learning

Handwriting and Literacy