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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Thursday video and independent activity

Today's learning involves dividing by 2.  Children may make the connection to their 2 times table (learnt last week) and it is good to encourage this.  All dividing today will be into groups of 2, or sharing between 2 groups.  Please watch the video to introduce the learning then complete the worksheet or the practical tasks.  

White Rose - Divide by 2

For the practical activity, it is time to get the socks out again! (Other objects can also be used).

Can you use your practical objects to show and find the answer to these divisions?  Remember, you can share them into two groups and count how many are in each group, or you can split them into groups of 2 and count how many groups there are.


Please see the Word document for some problem solving activities.