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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Week Beginning 14th February 2022

This week, we will return to learning about addition and subtraction, now including numbers up to 20. Visit this link to White Rose Maths Home LearningIt should be filtered for this term in Year 1. Click on the 'Addition and Subtraction (within 20)' block to access the content.


This week we will be exploring from video 10 'Subtraction crossing 10 (counting back)' up to - and including - video 14 'Compare Number Sentences'. Please email the class account so that we can provide you with the worksheets for the videos.

Home Learning 2020-21

To conclude the last three weeks work on place value up to 50, challenge your child to solve a selection of problems from the document below. They will need to apply the skills that they have acquired this week and the previous two weeks from before half term. Some revisiting of previous concepts may be required.

* Please let us know if you continue to need Friday's activity. *