Tuesday Independent Activity
Today, we move on to the 5 times table, using our knowledge of groups of 5. Hands and feet are very useful for this, as you can imagine!
Please watch the White Rose video below to relate our previous learning about groups of 5 to the 5 times table. Again, the worksheet is provided below but you do not have to complete it if you are unable to print. There are practical activities that can be completed instead. Just as with the 2 times table, encourage your child to think of it as "groups of 5" or "5 groups", drawing out groups of 5 dots to support if needed, or counting up in 5s on their fingers.
First, please practise counting in 5s - 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60. It is really useful to recognise the pattern of alternating 5 and 0, and to see that there are two numbers with each amount of tens (10 and 15, 20 and 25, 30 and 35 and so on).
The Classroom Secrets video below suggests a lovely practical activity for the 5 times table. You do not need a twister mat, you can write the numbers on post-it notes or pieces of paper and use in a similar way.
You could also reuse your numbers 1-12 from yesterday and practise the 5 times table in the same way that you did the 2s yesterday.