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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.


Lesson 1: Improper fractions to mixed numbers

Improper fractions to mixed numbers

Create your own improper fractions by rolling a dice twice (to make the numerator) and choosing a number between 0 and 9 (denominator)  then practise converting them to mixed numbers.  Use your division knowledge or draw out pictures to help you.


There are also some problem solving activities and investigations below which provide extra challenge for lessons 1 and 2 as needed.

Lesson 2: mixed numbers to improper fractions

Mixed numbers to improper fractions

Lesson 3: Number sequences with fractions

Number sequences

Below are some fraction numberlines to help if you want to include equivalent fractions in your sequence.

Lesson 4: Compare and order fractions less than 1

Compare and order fractions less than 1 (first part of worksheet)


Compare and order fractions less than 1 (second part of worksheet)

Can you choose two fractions less than 1 whole but with different denominators?  Use your equivalent fractions knowledge to convert them so they both have the same denominator.  Now you can order them.  You could also draw a visual representation to help you compare them.

Lesson 5: Please email your child's class teacher to request the maths homework for this week.  You could also practise times tables and mental arithmetic using websites such as TT rockstars and topmarks.