Activity 1:
We would like you to revisit the story of Sir Scally wag, discuss the vocabulary and the events ( in sequence) with a grown - up.
Try retelling the story in your own words.
Activity 2:
We would like you to plan for writing your own version of Sir Scallywag.
Using the backward s (see below) draw pictures of the story to help you remember the events in the order that they happened.
If you would like to, then you could put some words on the plan to help you.
Try retelling the story again using the plan to help you.
Activity 3:
Using your plan from the last activity, we would like you to try writing the story in your own words.
Think about the learning of the last few weeks - what do you need to include in your writing, can you remember?
Here is a list to help you:
capital letters and full stops
commas in a list (remember to use a comma in between two adjectives, e.g. he had a horse, a lance and a shield)
commas in between two adjectives, e.g. He had a bright, shiny sword.
time openers, e.g. The next morning, he looked out of the window across the land.
Activity 4:
It's time to edit and improve!
read through your writing and see if there is anything that you could have added to make it better. In class, we use a purple pen to do this but at home you can use any colour that you want to.
Activity 5:
It would be really nice to share your hard work with someone in your family. You could ring a grandparent or an aunty and read your story to them. We are sure that they would love to hear it.
Have fun!