session 1
Today, we would like you to write part 2 of your story - you will be writing about the characters.
You will introduce them and give a description of their appearance.
Then you will say that your characters found a plant in the village and they plant it - can you remember what it grows in to?
A PUMPKIN - did you get it right?
This part of your story might look something like this:
In the village there lived two sisters called Camelia and Ahana. Camelia had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. How brown they were! Ahana had crystal blue eyes and long black hair.
You could then write the meaning of their names (see previous learning) and write the job that they do.
Things to consider:
suitable presentation - would Mrs Minshell and Mr Dale be happy ? :)
full sentences
capital letters and full stops
commas when need for adjectives
an exclamation sentence ( beginning with How or What)