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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.


This week's Science involves learning about why hygiene is important.  We know a lot about this at the moment and have become experts in using hand sanitiser!


1)  Put some glitter on your hand.  Shake hands with someone else in your house.  What do you notice happens to their hand?  Does it now have glitter on too?  Now try these three ways of getting the glitter off - a)  a dry tissue/paper towel, b) cold water and c) warm water and soap.  Which worked best?  Imagine the glitter represents germs, what should we always try to wash our hands with to make sure they are as clean as possible?


Watch this video to see just how powerful soap is!


2) If you can spare some bread, cut a slice into 3 pieces. 

Put one in a clear bag or tub without touching it very much at all.  

With clean hands, hold another in your hand then put it into a different bag or tub.

With dirty/unwashed hands, pass a third piece round your family then put it into a third bag or tub. 

Make sure you label them so you know which is which!

Over several days, keep an eye on the bread.  What do you notice happens?  What is different about each piece of bread?