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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.


Last week in Science, we learnt about being hygienic and the importance of keeping our hands clean.


This week, we are going to look at what we put inside our bodies - food! 


Please watch the video for a little introduction to the different food groups then look at the PPT for more detail on which foods go in which group.  Have a look in the cupboards and fridge in your kitchen, can you find examples of foods from all the different food groups?


Now, have a look at the worksheet.  Using the PPT to help you if needed, try to sort the pictures of the different foods on to the Eatwell plate.  You could stick them, draw them or write the words.  The words for some foods are also on a later page of the pdf if there are any that you don't know or to help practise reading/using your phonics! smiley