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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Daily recap questions

Greater than,less than and equal to.mp4

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Please watch the video and practise adding 11.

Then challenge yourself - try taking away 11 by using adjustment, e.g 

36 - 11

36 - 10 = 26

26 - 1 = 25

36 - 11 = 25


Try these:

29 - 11=

52 - 11=

28 - 11=

19 - 11=

84 - 11=

When you are confident, try playing the game.


Adjustment 2.mp4

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Practising number bonds to 100 and adding two, two digit numbers. Top tip: play this game with a human!

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A game to play several times.

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This game will help the children develop instant recall of calculations. You will need to draw a number line then take it in turns to say and write a calculation. The game is really good fun to play.

Partitioning 2 digit numbers

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3D shapes

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comparing 3D shapes.mp4

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3D shape mp4.mp4

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Daily recap video for Summer 1 Week 2

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Daily Recap Reminder Video Summer 1 Week 1

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Video (3).MOV

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When the children come into school in the morning they often have questions to answer on the whiteboard whilst we are taking the register. The questions are on areas of maths that we have covered already and the purpose of doing these questions is so that the children can retain the methods that they have been taught. Watch the video and then have a go at a couple of questions from the document below. It should only take your child about 10 minutes to answer the questions but please insist on them showing their working out as in class children who are particularly confident with maths have made avoidable calculation errors through not showing their working out. Apologies for this video arriving on the day before the Easter break but we have been having trouble uploading it.