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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Monday, 6th July



The Explorer

By the end of this week, we would like you to write the last chapter/chapters of the book. We stopped reading at the end of the chapter called Max. This is when Max is bitten and has become seriously ill and they must get him to a hospital. The Explorer’s last words are “Fly”.

If you have read on, then this is a chance for you to change the ending of the story or to rewrite the ending in your own words.



What does the Explorer mean by fly? The title of the next chapter is called “Behind the Vines”. What do you think is behind the vines which will help them get Max to safety?

Plan – using a backwards ‘S’ plan out what happens (you have used this planning method in school many times). Use pictures or notes to plan out what happens. This is not to write in full sentences.

Start with what they find behind the vines.

  • What is behind the vines?
  • Who is going to fly?
  • Are they all going to go? Do they have to leave anyone behind?
  • What is it like flying?
  • Do they land safely?
  • Who might they meet when they land?
  • Do they get Max to a hospital?
  • Does Max survive?


See main page and 'Topic Resources' for activities for the week.