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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Meet the Governors

The Role of Governors

Governors bring many skills and experiences to their role in supporting, promoting and protecting the interests and ethos of a school and its staff. They are an important link between the school and the local community.


Governors have a number of responsibilities:

        1. Setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Agreeing its policies and objectives

    2. Holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils

  • Monitoring the curriculum

  • Monitoring pupil progress

    3.Overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring that the school’s budget is responsibly spent

  • Reviewing and approving the school’s budget,

  • Appointing the Head Teacher and monitoring his / her performance.

Decisions taken by Governors are based on the advice of committees, made up of members of the Governing Body, and which deal with specific issues and report back to the full Governing Body. 

The committees meet formally once per month. The minutes are available for parents to access. Governors with special responsibilities ie finance, Literacy, Maths , SEND and RE also meet on a termly basis with the appropriate member of staff.


Governors are elected for an initial 4 year term and all are offered the opportunity to undergo training to ensure they are up to date with legislation and to improve their skills.

All governors can be contacted through the school office or by email at


Chair of Governors

Mr Paul Stacey 


Vice-Chair of Governors

Mr Richard Merrygold



Mrs Jo Herrero - Head teacher

Richard Sandle-Keynes - Staff Governor

Mr Richard Merrygold - GDPR

Mrs Hannah O'Sullivan - Inclusion

Mr Paul Stacey - Core Subjects and School data

Rev. Patrick Taylor - Policies

Mrs Judith Pandazis - LA Governor

Mrs Janie Swaby - Co-opted Governor

Isabel Collins - Parent Governor

Abigail Rokison-Woodall - Parent Governor

Laura Taylor - PCC Foundation Governor

Nicholas Baker-Frampton - Parent Governor 

David Murfet - Co-Opted Governor 



Clerk to the Governors

Lorraine Barnes

Attendance Register


Name of GovernorStatusDate of AppointmentTerm of OfficeFGB Meetings attendance 2022/2023Curriculum and StandardsFinance and Operations
Rev. P TaylorEx Officio FoundationAppointed February 2014N/A2 of 33 of 3N/A
Mrs J HerreroStaffAppointed January 2017N/A3 of 33 of 33 of 3
Mr R MerrygoldCo-optedAppointed January 201843 of 3N/A3 of 3
Mr P StaceyCo-optedAppointed September 201843 of 32 of 31 of 3
Mr Simon CroweParentAppointed September 201942 of 32 of 33 of 3
Richard Sandle-KeynesStaffAppointed May 202143 of 3N/A1 of 3
Miss Hannah O'SullivanParentAppointed July 201941of1N/AN/A
Nicholas Baker-FramptonParent Appointed January 20244


Judith PandazisLAAppointed December 202043 of 33 of 3N/A
Janie SwabyCo-optedAppointed December 202041 of 31 of 32 of 3
Abigail Rokison-WoodallParentAppointed October 202143 of 33 of 3N/A
Isabel CollinsParentAppointed October 202143 of 3N/A3 of 3
Laura TaylorFoundation (PCC)Appointed September 202242 of 3N/AN/A



Governors who left the FGB in the past year

Simon Crowe (July 2023)

Mrs Maria Marsden (September 2022)


Meetings were held on the following dates in 2022/23:

FGB - 26/09/2022, 13/03/2023. 26/06/2023

Curriculum and Standards - 10/10/2022, 16/01/2023, 27/03/2023

Finance and Operations - 07/11/2022, 06/02/2023, 24/04/2023


Register of Interests 2023/2024


Name of Governor

Nature of interest declared

Date of entry

Mr Paul StaceyEmployed at Stratford-upon-Avon SchoolSeptember 2023
Rev P TaylorVicar of the parish of Stratford-upon-Avon
Trustee of PCC of Stratford-upon-Avon
Trustee of Clifford Chambers Charities
September 2023
Mrs J HerreroStaff memberSeptember 2023
Mr R MerrygoldNone declaredSeptember 2023
Mrs Hannah O'SullivanEmployed at Thomas Jolyffe Primary SchoolSeptember 2023
Mr Nicholas Baker-Frampton None declaredJanuary 2024
Judith PandazisNone declaredSeptember 2023
Janie SwabyCurrently tutor pupils at homeSeptember 2023
Richard Sandle-KeynesStaff memberSeptember 2023
Isabel CollinsNone declaredSeptember 2023
Dr Abigail Rokison-Woodall None declaredSeptember 2023
Laura TaylorI am married to Rev Patrick Taylor, a foundation governor and Vicar of the Parish of Stratford upon Avon.September 2023
Lorraine BarnesGovernance Professional - Norfolk County CouncilSeptember 2023

Summary of Governors Disqualification