School Uniform
At Holy Trinity we expect all children to wear uniform. Please ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with your children’s name.
School uniform available via Alcester NSC Website –
- School knitted jumper/pullover with logo
- School girls knitted cardigan with logo
- White polo shirt
- White collared shirt
- Check summer dress
- Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
- Grey school shorts
- Black, white or grey socks or tights
- Shoes: plain black shoes
- School book book bag with logo
PE Kit
- Black / Navy / Grey PE shorts
- Plain white PE t shirt
- Plain Black PE Sweatshirt
- Black / Navy / Grey tracksuit bottoms
- PE Bag with logo
Football strips must not be worn for PE.
Please label all items of clothing clearly with your children's name.
Hair must be neat and tidy (tied up if shoulder length or longer)
Hair ties or accessories should be black, green or white only
Extreme hair colours or styles that undermine the ethos of the school are not permitted
Only small studded earrings are to be worn at school
Other items of jewellery should not be worn
Watches may be worn, but smart watches are not permitted
Children should not wear make-up or nail polish.
The Willow's Friends hold regular second hand uniform sales. The sales enable parents to
buy branded items of the uniform and other items of uniform at a significantly lower cost.