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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Year 3

Please use the emails to below to contact us in accordance with the Home-School agreement.

If there is something that needs to be shared more quickly, please call the school office on 01789 205811.        Alligators              Miss Adams        Geckos                Miss Geear


Alligators Twitter @alligatorsclass

Geckos Twitter @geckosclass


Spelling Approach in KS2

Using the Sounds Write approach, at Holy Trinity Primary we focus on spelling polysyllabic words and homophones/homographs using our phonic knowledge. 


In Year 3, we focus on a sound and its various spellings over two weeks. We will focus in class on spelling polysyllabic words using a sound and syllable approach. In lessons, we will give children an opportunity to apply their skills and spellings in written sentences. 


We do not set weekly spellings, but do send the sound home in their home contact books to communicate the learning we are doing in school.