English W/C 23.10.20
Lesson 1 To plan the build-up (Part 1) In this lesson, we order the events of the first part of the build-up and use the vocabulary we learnt in previous lessons to generate a plan, ready for writing.
Lesson 2 To practise and apply knowledge of more prefixes In this lesson, we will learn how to spell words containing the prefixes bi-, trans-, circum- and tele-
Lesson 3 To write the build-up (Part 1) In this lesson, we will use our plans and all the vocabulary and knowledge we've built up in previous lessons to write the first part of the build-up of The Highwayman.
Lesson 4 To analyse the build-up (Part 2) In this lesson, we will find out what happens in the next two verses of the poem and explore the language that is used. We will practise writing sentences using the vocabulary we have learnt.
Lesson 5 To generate vocabulary for the build-up (Part 2) In this lesson, we will read verses 4 and 5 again and generate vocabulary for each moment in these verses, ready to help us plan our writing.