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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Autumn Term 2020

Thank you for supporting your child with their learning.  In each week's folder, there are links to the White Rose website for videos and workbooks related to the content for Maths, as well as spellings (from Week 5 onwards), versions of our English tasks and Science activities.  Please note each Maths workbook covers more than one week's learning so you may need to refer back to the previous week to find it.  Please remember reading with your child as much as possible is also very beneficial and can help to develop reading, spelling and creative writing skills.

Update -Friday 20th November

We would like to say a big thank you to parents and carers for all your lovely comments and support during our period of isolation. 

We are excited to be returning to school and we look forward to seeing your wonderful children back in the classroom.

Have a super weekend everyone. 

Update - Friday 13th November

Thank you all for being so accommodating and supportive since we had to close Year 2 on Wednesday.  It has been lovely to work with each child individually during phonics sessions this week and to hear about what they have done so far.  We would love to receive photos of some of the work you have been completing at home (this can include phonics practice!).  Please send these to the class email addresses if you are able to.  Keep a look out in the Week 11 folder for next week's activities.


Science - bread update!  I have checked the bread from our Science investigations today (both classrooms) and can report that there has been no change yet.  I will upload photos as soon as I observe any changes! Miss C :-)


Finally, we would like to wish you all a safe and restful weekend, and to those among us celebrating Diwali, we hope you enjoy this special time.


Stay safe and take care

Mrs Minshell, Miss Cottrell and the whole Year 2 team


4th December 2020 - Congratulations to both Meerkats and Chameleons who will be having their class reward today!  Well done, children!

Year 2 Phonics Screen - to be carried out before the end of Autumn 2

As the children were not in school in the second half of Year 1, the government have asked Year 2 teachers to carry out the phonics screen which the children would usually have sat at the end of the last school year.  Although the children are progressing well with their phonics, the more practice they can have at home and in school over the next few weeks, the better as it feeds into both reading and writing.  Please click on the page below to find information about the phonics screen and to access websites and videos to use to support your child with this.