Maths Games
New Games
In our daily maths lessons, we are learning about number fact families. You could practise using the Topmarks Number Fact Families game Please choose "+ and -" and start with "up to 10".
- Topmarks Hit the Button is great for practising doubles and halves (Summer Term). For doubles, please concentrate on doubles to 10. For halves, please start with halves to 10.
- A fun game for practising place value is Topmarks Place Value Basketball (from November) We would start with numbers up to 19 and not exceed numbers up to 99. This game uses Base 10 maths equipment. The piece of equipment that looks like a long blue rod represents ten. The piece of equipment that looks like a small blue cube represents one. Children need to recognise the number of tens and the numbers of ones to work out the whole number. For example, 1 ten and 5 ones is 15.
- Try using this hundred square and painting in the squares for adding up in 2s or 5s.
- Another game for practising counting in 2s, 5s or 10s is Balloon Pop Skip Count
Here is a great game to practise your addition and subtraction and get really quick with your number bonds. Go to Espresso/KS1 Maths/Addition and subtraction/Activities/Addition and subtraction facts up to 10.
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