Friday, 10th July
Final draft and write up!
Read back through your work from yesterday. Ask someone else to read your story. Read your story out loud to someone else. Remember to pause at the commas and take a breath at the full stops. This will give you an indication as to whether your full stops are in the correct place or if you need to put in a comma. Does the story make sense? Does the story flow from one event to another? How does the person reading your story feel? Did they want to read on? Maybe as you read, you decided you did not like something. You can go back over things, use a different coloured pen to change things, add things in.
Write up your story in best. This could be done on the computer or by hand.
We would love to read your stories. Please send them to the class emails. You may even decide to film yourself recording the stories and send in the recording.
We look forward to seeing what you produce.
See main page and 'Topic Resources' for activities for the week.