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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Thursday 12th

Today we are going to revise nouns and adjectives. A noun is a word that names something. So when you point to something in a picture and name it, that word is a noun. An adjective is a word used to describe a noun. 


Firstly, read the story of Bear in the Air again, using the powerpoints or watch the film from Tuesday again. 


Secondly, choose a picture from the book and choose 5 nouns. Try to think of an adjective for each noun. I have started an example below. You could finish this example or start one of your own. 


Lastly, please complete the handwriting sheet for this week. Please watch your child do this. Are they holding the pencil correctly? Are they starting on the black line? (Except for capital letters) Are they keeping their pencil on the paper until they have finished the letter/word? Thank you!