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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Monday 9th

Over the next ten school days, we will be basing our Literacy on 'Bear in the Air' by Benedict Blathwayt, a Red Fox Picture Book. We will do different activities each day building up to our 'big write' on Wednesday 18th when we will retell the story in writing. (We will take a short break on Wednesday to work on Remembrance Day instead.) Quite a few of the activities are cross-curricular with Geography. 


In year 1, we have children at different stages of their learning. There are a lot of speaking and listening activities in this unit that all the children should be able to have a go at with the support of a parent or other adult. If your child is still at the beginning of learning to write, do not expect them to write the whole story. Some children may just write one sentence with support from an adult to help them sound out the words they would like to write or find them on one of the word mats. 


We would love to see the children's work. You can send us a copy via the class email. We will email back with a response. 

Video 1. Can we make a prediction?

Still image for this video
The objective of this lesson is to make a prediction about what might happen, based on the clues in the story so far. Watch the video and then have a go at drawing a picture to show what might happen next. Try to write a sentence about your prediction.

Prediction sheet