Thursday independent activity
Today, we will use arrays and describe them using a multiplication sentence (with the "x" sign).
This is the same process as when pictures were drawn in separate groups, it's just they are organised into arrays which are lined up in rows and columns as we found last week. It can be useful to draw ovals on to the arrays to split it into the different groups to help when writing the multiplication. Alternatively, you could use objects and show the array then move the rows or columns apart from each other to split them up more clearly.
Please try to complete the pdf worksheet, writing the number sentences out into the back of your green book if you are unable to print. Remember, it is fine to model it practically with objects as you go along.
There are then some problem solving tasks on the Word document if you would like a further challenge.
If you would like to recap or catch-up the Zoom, the link for the White Rose video is below. It is video 1 - Using Arrays.