The Explorer - Book Group
The Explorer - Year Four Book Group
For the rest of term, in our smaller, morning Zoom groups, we will be running our 'Year Four Book Club' during which we will be exploring the book 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell. We will be posting videos of us reading each chapter. You will need to have watched the right clips before 'Book Club' each week. We'll discuss the chapter(s) and then the children can continue listening to a chapter each day (or binge listening, if they prefer) before the next week's session. If you would like to read along, the book is available from Amazon here -
You do not need to buy the book - just watch us read it - but we know that some will want to.
Week One - w/c 15th June
Before Book Group this week, read and/or listen to Chapter One - Flight.
1 - Flight

Week Two - 22-26 June
Please don't watch/listen to/read chapters 2 (The Green Dark) -13 (Smoke) until you have had your first Book Group.
Please have read/listened to/watched them by you second Book Group.
2 - The Green Dark

3 - The Den

Writing ideas...
- Write a balanced argument about whether the children should stay in the den. Use evidence from the chapter
- Summarise Con and Max’s thoughts on the den in three words for each character
4 - River

Writing ideas...
- Summarise your impressions of Fred’s dad in two words
- Write a fact file about piranhas or caiman
5 - Food (Almost)

Writing idea...
Write the segment where Lila goes off and finds the cocoa pods, from her perspective
6 - Fire

Writing idea...
Summarise the meal time in twenty words or less
7 - The Raft

Writing idea...
Summarise Con’s actions and emotions in this chapter with a five-word journey
8 - Maiden Voyage

Writing idea...
Summarise the maiden voyage in thirty words or less
9 - Sardines

Writing ideas...
Summarise Fred’s feelings when he found the pineapples, in three words
10 - Abacaxi

Writing idea...
Summarise the finding of the sloth in thirty words or less
11 - The Monkeys and the Bees

Writing ideas...
- Rewrite the finding of the map, from the perspective of Con
- Summarise how Fred and Con found the map, in twenty-five words or less
12 - Con

Writing ideas...
Summarise your impressions of Con from this chapter
13 - Smoke

Writing ideas...
Write a diary entry about the day’s events, from the perspective of Lila
Week Three - 29 June - 3 July
Please read/listen to the next 4 chapters: One the River- The Explorer.
14 - On the River

Writing idea...
Summarise each child’s emotions on the journey
15 - At the Top of the Cliff

Writing idea...
Summarise your thoughts at the end of the chapter
16 - The Ruined City

Writing idea...
Summarise your feelings about the man
17 The Explorer

Writing idea...
Rewrite the end of the chapter, from the perspective of the explorer
Rewrite the end of the chapter, but the explorer doesn’t wake up and the children see what is behind the vines
Week Four - 6-10 July
Please read/listen to the next 8 chapters: The Trap - Max
18 - The Trap

Writing idea...
Summarise why the explorer doesn’t want people to know about his village.
19 - Tarantulas

Writing ideas...
Summarise your thoughts on eating spiders.
Write your own Rainforest recipe/menu based on the food they’ve found so far.
20 - Twice-Fried Oiseau Spectacle

Writing ideas...
Draw an outline of the Explorer. Summarise your impression of him,
21 - Fishing in The Dark

Writing ideas...
Write out the messages that the explorer gave Fred.
22 - The Vow

Writing ideas...
Write this chapter from Lila’s point of view
23 - Explorer School

Writing ideas...
Write your own explorer school leaflet.
Summarise how the explorer has changed over the course of the book.
24 - Stuck in the Mud

Writing ideas...
Write about the game of stick in the mud as if it were a real sporting event in a newspaper.
25 - Max

Writing ideas...
Write this chapter from the point of view of Max
26 - Behind the Vines

27 - The Green Sky

28 - Waiting for Dawn

29 - Flight Home

30 - Another Kind of Exploring