Religion and Worldviews
At Holy Trinity Primary, our Religion and Worldviews curriculum reflects the aims outlined in the 2014 National Curriculum, providing children with the comprehensive understanding of diverse beliefs and worldviews. Our curriculum is designed to enhance children’s knowledge, understanding and respect for various religions and worldviews, fostering critical thinking and promoting cultural understanding.
We follow the Coventry and Warwickshire SACRE Agreed Syllabus which follows and enquiry-based approach to learning. This enables children to explore key questions and engage critically with different religions and worldviews. Additionally, our curriculum incorporates the Understanding Christianity framework, which supports children in developing their own thinking and understanding of Christianity. Through Understanding Christianity, children explore significant theological concepts within Christianity, engaging with key biblical texts. Key concepts of the ‘big story’ of the bible are revisited to allow children to dig deeper and build on their previous knowledge.
Our curriculum:
- Encourages children to reflect on their own beliefs while exploring the beliefs of others, nurturing their spiritual well-being.
- Encourages children to ask questions and engage in meaningful discussions and religious and philosophical concepts.
- Celebrates diversity, ensuring that children appreciate and respect various religions and worldviews, which fosters a sense of belonging within the school community.
- Draws on the teachings of the Church of England to instil core Christian Values.
Our Religion and Worldviews Curriculum aims to provide all children with a rich, coherent, and engaging exploration of diverse beliefs and values. Our approach is shaped by our Christian ethos, promoting respect and understanding for different religions and worldviews.
Religion and Worldviews is taught weekly and children also have the opportunity to explore different religious festivals throughout the year. Visitors from a variety of religions and worldviews, as well as visits to various places of worship, allow children to gain a real life understanding of religion and provide the opportunity to explore individual and communal worldviews.
For information on Collective Worship, please visit our Collective Worship page.