Week 12 w.c. 29.11.21
This week we're working towards writing our own version of The Highwayman.
On Monday and Tuesday, we will explore how to create suspense and different narrative styles. Use the example texts and the PowerPoints to explore and create a toolbox for your writing.
On Wednesday we're going to plan our story. Before you start, you may want to reread the story to remind yourself of the order of events.
Use the grid on the last slide of the PowerPoint to plan your story.
We'll start writing the beginning of the story on Thursday. Beginnings are incredibly important, as you'll explore on the slides.
Use the inspiration to write the start of your own story.
There's a grammar activity about fronted adverbials on for Fridays. The worksheets are differentiated, so you only have to choose one colour from each document. Work through the VF (varied fluency) first before moving onto AR (application and reasoning).