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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Friday independent activity

Today, we are revising making doubles.  This means adding a number to itself (or multiplying it by 2).  


If you would like to do a practical or drawn activity, take a number of objects (start off with numbers less than 10 then you could build up to between 10 and 20) then double it by adding the same number of objects again.  You will then have found double that number.  You could draw these two equal groups in the back of your green book and label it as double ___ = ____ or just talk with your adult about what double the number is.


We have also included some links for practising doubles online:

The PPT is a game which practises simple doubles.

The Archery game is an online game for practising doubling.  

Both of these show the amounts as arrays to help children visualise the two sets.  The archery game shows it as two rows and you have to click the correct answer on the target.  You can just use level one of this game.


If you would like a further challenge, there is some problem solving on the Word document.


If you would like to recap or catch up the zoom session, the White Rose video link is below.  It is video 2 - Make Doubles.