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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

session 1

Today in class, we are going to begin writing our pirate blog.

You will need to write the side heading:



Discuss with your grown-up what you will include in your blog before you begin to write.


You will need to introduce yourself

Say what benefit reading the blog will be for you

Make it sound exciting


Your introduction could look like this



If you want to be a pirate then read my blog. I will tell you about life on the roaring high seas and how exciting it is to lead the life of a ruthless, scary pirate. How scary I am! I am guessing that you are wondering who I am. Would you like to know my name? I will tell you - I am Plundering Lobster Legs and feared by all those who sail the seas and get in my way. Read on if you dare matey.