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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.


A note about reading….     


As you know, when it comes to home learning, the single most important thing your child needs to do is to read. In school it is really noticeable how much more confident and fluent in reading and writing pupils are if they have been reading quality literature at home. Research shows that the amount of time children spend reading or being read to is the best predictor of their overall literacy and language achievement.

Former Children’s Laureate, Michael Rosen reminds us that reading to children of all ages encourages them to develop interests in things beyond their immediate experience. It prompts questions and curiosity and in these uncertain and often unsettling times it provides a great escape to other worlds and times as well as being a great reliever of stresses and worries.

There is strong evidence linking reading for pleasure and educational outcomes, and reading is the best way to ensure children are not falling behind if they need to be learning at home. More importantly the benefits of reading for pleasure go beyond this and stretch throughout a person’s life.

  To help in choosing books, we have provided a recommended reading list for each year group. This is by no means exhaustive but is provided as a guide to choosing quality texts which are rich in language and will provide a wealth of ideas, themes, settings, vocabulary and characters.

Please get in touch with us if there’s any way we can help. And if we have to spend time learning at home again, let’s make sure reading is top of our home learning agenda.


Many Thanks.




Could we please ask you not to read Charlotte's Web and Varjak Paw as these are core texts to be studied in school.

What are Vipers?

VIPERS is an acronym to aid the recall of the 6 reading domains as part of the UK’s reading curriculum.  They are the key areas which we feel children need to know and understand in order to improve their comprehension of texts.

VIPERS stands for






Sequence or Summarise