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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Activity 1

Today in school we are going to be continuing our Pirate Blog.

We will use the side heading:

Talk like a pirate


Perhaps you would like to have a go at writing about pirate talk.  Below are some words/phrases that pirates use and the meaning - you could include these in your writing.

Avast ye!                                                                Stand to attention

Yo Ho Ho!                                                              You have done something good

Shiver me timbers                                                  Surprised or shocked 

Batten down the hatches                                      There is a big storm coming 

Booty                                                                     Treasure

All hand ahoy!                                                       Everyone up on deck 


Put these words/phrase into full sentences, e.g.  The captain says Avast ye when he wants all of the crew to stand to attention and listen to what he has to say.