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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

session 5

NB: The previous work will support this lesson.


In school (for the later part of the week), we will be producing a piece of non-fiction writing on the Indian animals that we have explored.

You could try this at home.

We will start with the heading of, Animals and then we will have a side headings of either, Peacock, Tiger or Elephant. 

Under each side heading we will write something about the animal.

Things to include in your work:

capital letters

full stops

use conjunctions ( join two sentences/ideas together with -and -because -but)

the title (written at the top, in the middle)

side headings (written at the side of the page)

make sure that you can read your sentences out loud


NB: This may take more than one session to complete - in school, we will be having a double lesson.