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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Thursday 11th June

Seconds and Minutes
Notes for parents and carers:

Today we are going to be learning about measuring time using seconds and minutes.
Watch the 2 short video clips which explore seconds.
Then choose some of the 20 second challenges to try from the list:
- How many star jumps can you do?
- How many laps around the garden or playground can you do?
- How many times can you write your name?
- How many bricks tall can you build a tower?
Think of some of your own 20 minute challenges

Once you have completed some of the 20 second challenges watch the 2 short video clips exploring minutes. The first video is a story.
Then try some of the 1 minute challenges from the list:
- How many times can you draw a smiley face?🙂
- How many times can you write the word, 'was'
- Can you bounce a ball or throw and catch it for 1 minute without stopping?
- How many minutes will it take you to draw a picture of yourself?
- Can you sit still without talking for 1 minute?
- can you keep moving for a minute, running, skipping, hopping or jumping or a mixture of all these things!
- Think of some of your own 1 minute challenges

Video 1

Still image for this video

Video 2

Still image for this video

Video 3

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Video 4

Still image for this video