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Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

Phonics and SPAG

The phonic screening has now taken place for all children who were in school last week - children who were absent, will take the screening when they return to school.

Phonics is a really important factor in both reading and spelling - please continue to periodically revisit the phonic sounds.

We suggest that you periodically revisit past spellings to consolidate the use of phonetics in context (the spellings in the red spelling book).


This week, we are looking at the spelling patterns -ge and -dge

Our focus common exception words for this week are:




The above common exception words are Year 2.

Please continue to practise any Year 1 common exception words ( the highlighted sheet that was sent home). These are to be practised alongside the weekly class spellings until, they have been retested. 

Thank you.