This week it will be the Christian celebration of Epiphany. Epiphany will be the theme of the week in school.
We would like you to look at this article on Newsround. You may need your grown-up to read it for you as there are some challenging words.
Maybe you could research Epiphany for yourself.
Remember to be safe online.
You may also like to watch this video made by the Parish of Stratford upon Avon. Phil Harper is the Family and Children's Minister at Holy Trinity Church. The children know Mr Harper as he comes into school and delivers assemblies in a fun and engaging way. The video is fun to watch - we really enjoyed it and we are sure that the children will enjoy it too
You could make your own box at home if you would like to and take part in the activities or you can just watch the video, enjoy the story and songs and learn more about the Epiphany.
Please note that we asked permission before uploading this video.