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Interactive Bar

Holy Trinity C of E Primary School

Rooted in faith, we reach for the stars.

session 4

Well done, you have reached the final part of the story :)

Today, your characters will return to the land and rebuild their village.

Remember that they will plant the seeds and plants that they saved. This planting will include the seed of the huge pumpkin plant that provided the pumpkin for them to escape in - just in case they, their children or their children's children should ever need a big pumpkin.


Things to consider:

suitable presentation - would Mrs Minshell and Mr Dale be happy ? :)

full sentences

capital letters and full stops

commas when need for adjectives

an exclamation sentence ( beginning with How or What)



We hope that you enjoyed writing the story - we know that we have enjoyed working on this story with you all.

Remember to edit and improve your work.

We think that you should also read your story to a relative or a friend - make them smile :)