Today, we are going to be thinking about online safety - this is really important for everyone.
If are attending the zoom session today, Mrs Minshell will talk you through the Power Point. If you are not attending the zoom session or should you wish to view the Power Point again, the link is below.
Today's work:
We would like you to design a poster about trusting online - your poster could be pictures or pictures and words. Imagine that you are making the poster for an someone who has never used technology before (like an alien).
We would love to see your posters so please send us pictures via email if you can. Thank you.
Please monitor your child when they are using technology. Thank you.
Mrs Hererro and Mr Sandle-Keynes (with appearances from Hal) have made a great video about online safety and it can be found on our learning site.
The link below will take you to the page, in case you haven't had a chance to view it.
We would still like you to do your handwriting - remember to copy the sentence: The quick red fox jumps over the lazy brown dog.
Please copy the sentence (see handwriting folder) and then write spellings for next week (3x each spelling per line).