Year 5 - 2021/2022 Crocodiles and Foxes
Follow us on Twitter - @CrocClass and @Foxes_Class
Class emails: Crocodiles - / Foxes -
Please find below new pages for Year Five 2021/2022
Should your child develop symptoms or require time off school, we recommend using the resources within the pages below to keep up to date with school work. Should the entire year group need to isolate these page will be updated with more extensive English and Maths resources and we will contact you about other methods we will be using to support home learning.
In school, your child would be taught the equivalent of 1 hour of English and 1 hour of maths daily. Please aim to achieve this while your child is at home so they do not fall behind. In addition to this, they would be taught 1 lesson on science, topic, R.E and music per week. Please follow the links below for these lessons.
Happy new year, we hope you all had a relaxing Christmas break. The year 5 team would like to welcome you to our online classroom. Below you can find our online timetable and links in the folder on how to access the lessons. You should have also received an email containing invitations to our live Zoom lessons. Please do not feel obliged to print everything out as we understand this can be expensive. We would like you to submit one piece of work each day, which we will be able to provide you with feedback. This can be a photograph, electronic file or a scan of your work . Thank you for your understanding and we will see you on Zoom!
Our class emails are: Dinosaurs Foxes
The Year 5 team.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
8.30 -9.30 am | Maths (Zoom) | Maths (Zoom) | Maths (Zoom) | Maths (Zoom) | Maths (Zoom) |
10.00 - 11.00 am | Science (link in folder) | PSHE (link in folder) | The Tudors (link in folder) | Computing (link in folder) | Art (link in folder) |
11.15 - 11.45 am | P.E. (link in folder) | Grammar (link in folder) | P.E. (link in folder) | Grammar (link in folder) | P.E. (link in folder) |
12.45 - 1.45 pm | English (Zoom) | English (Zoom) | English (Zoom) | English (Zoom) | English (Zoom) |
2.00 - 2.30 pm | Times Tables Rock Stars / spellings | Times Tables Rock Stars / spellings | Times Tables Rock Stars / spellings | Times Tables Rock Stars / spellings | Times Tables Rock Stars / spellings |
2.30 - 3.00 pm |
English/Maths drop in (Zoom) Add to the Padlet if not attending (link in folder) |
English/Maths drop in (Zoom) Add to the Padlet if not attending (link in folder) |
English/Maths drop in (Zoom) Add to the Padlet if not attending (link in folder) |
English/Maths drop in (Zoom) Add to the Padlet if not attending (link in folder) |
Class Virtual Play Ground (Zoom) |
3.45 pm | Phonics (Zoom) | Phonics (Zoom) | Phonics (Zoom) | Phonics (Zoom) | --------------------------- |
Phonics (small group only - you will receive a separate email invite if your child is part of this)
Year 5 - 2020/2021 Dinosaurs and Foxes
Please find below new pages for Year Five 2020/2021
Should your child develop symptoms or require time off school, we recommend using the resources within the pages below to keep up to date with school work. Should the entire year group need to isolate these page will be updated with more extensive English and Maths resources and we will contact you about other methods we will be using to support home learning.
In school, your child would be taught 1 hour of English and 1 hour of maths daily. Please aim to achieve this while your child is at home so they do not fall behind. In addition to this, they would be taught 1 lesson on science, topic, R.E and music per week. Please follow the links below for these lessons.
Powerpoint for Olympic Commentary Zoom
Year 5 Home Learning
With the concerns over the coronavirus outbreak and how this might impact your child’s learning, we wanted to offer you some ideas to help you continue their education during the school closures. We also appreciate that keeping children engaged in their learning whilst at home is not going to be easy and so we have prepared perfectly matched content for your child that can be completed both independently or with adult support. The home learning will provide daily activities in English, Maths, Science and Topic (History, Geography, Art, D&T)
- A worked-through reminder of the learning involved, followed by practice sheets, usually with a choice of ‘Mild’ (easier) or ‘Hot’ (harder).
- An ‘If You’re Stuck’ sheet with an activity covering pre-requisite skills.
- Mastery questions so children can check that they’ve nailed it.
- Daily Times Table practice. This can be done on Times Tables Rock Stars
- A PowerPoint with the week's English lessons adapted from the CLPE "Power of Reading" unit on "Tom's Midnight Garden"
- A teacher reading video reading the text for that day - this text can also be viewed in the PowerPoint
- A teacher led CLPE session on Zoom on Wednesday mornings.
English and Maths should each take approximately 1 hour, but please do not spend longer on this unless you wish to do so.
Science and Topic
- Activities to support our learning in science about the Forces.
- A range of history, geography, art and D&T activities around our topic of 'Ancient Greece'
All work can be recorded in the Home School Learning Journals sent home on Thursday 18th March - if you have run out of space in these work can be done on sheets of paper, a notebook or a writer's notebook made from sheets of paper stapled/fixed together.
Most activities do not require any home printing and can be viewed directly from a screen as they are in PDF format. If you are having any trouble viewing these documents please download Adobe Acrobat for free from
In addition to this, we will also be recording live videos of our class story books being read by teachers and other fun activities. These will be available via Holy Trinity Primary School Facebook page.
Summer Term W/B: 20.04.20
We hope that you all have had a lovely Easter break and have been enjoying the lovely weather we have been having recently. What have you been up to? I have been enjoying running around our beautiful town taking in all the lovely rainbows in windows and chalk messages on pavements, I even took part in a "Picture Challenge" with my running club where we each went on (seperate!) runs looking for these 7 things: 1)Bluebells, 2) An animal (not your pet), 3) A street name with starting with the first letter of your first name, 4) A rainbow, 5) A hill (we had to take a picture from the bottom then run up to the top and take a picture from there too!), 6) A red postbox and 7) Something that you found on your run that was funny/random/ beautiful. This challenge really cheered me up and made me take more notice of my surroundings on my runs, can you have go at the challenge on your next daily exercise walk? I would love to see pictures on Twitter!
It's a strange start to the summer term but we have some exciting things coming up. We are starting our new topic of Ancient Greece this week! I love this topic because there is just so much to learn, so don't forget if you need a little bit extra Mr Dale and I would love to see anything that you can find out about Ancient Greece. We will also be starting to use videos to help you with your learning - some might even feature Mr Dale and I.
I hope that you and your families are well and that you are keeping safe at home. Don't forget to keep in touch with us on Twitter and We will also be starting to use class emails, this week we just want to know that you are safe and well and hear about what you have been getting up to at home so make sure you ask a parent/carer to drop us an email Seahorses: Dinosaurs:
Miss Smith :)