Ancient Greece - Aesop's Fables
Read the first two pages of the lesson presentation then research the questions online. Make notes of the answers in your home learning journals. Remember that notes do not need to be full sentences, just the key information. You can also make sketches of illustrations you find to support your ideas. If you need help on this turn to the last page of the lesson presentation for ideas.
Watch the clips in the lesson presentation (links are provided) complete the questions about each clip so you can compare the different fables. You may need to pause the clip or watch it more than once to help find the answers.
Use the story board template to plan your own fable. Look at the PowerPoint for ideas on how other fables have illustrated.
Make your story board fable into a full book. Use the template if you need to help you and ideas for illustrating it.
Read your new fable to someone in your family or a friend. Why not film yourself reading and send it to us so we can share it!