Week 1 (w/c 4.1.21)
Please be reassured that there is no obligation to print everything out. Your child can work straight onto paper. We would like to see one piece of work each day to see how you are all doing and show off the work you are proud of! This can be sent to the class emails as a photograph, a document or scanned in.
Maths - Multiplication
Ancient Egypt & the River Nile
Today's maths is the first time the children will be learning the 8 times table in school.
It is recommended that they wait for the input before they do the worksheet unless they are already familiar with their 8 times tables.
Maths - Multiplication
Home Learning Books:
Just a reminder, please don't feel like you have to print out all the sheets as we realise it can get expensive!
When you collect your home learning book, the children will be familiar with copying out their work neatly and carefully into their books. They are aware of the expectations we have with presentation in English and in maths (although, they are used to square paper!).
For Science, begin with the recap from Year 2 to remind the children what they already know. You can then work through the Oak Academy lesson.
Maths: The challenge is on the same document as the general worksheet. It's for the children who want to be stretched a little more and to help support their reasoning skills. We encourage the use of reasoning skills in school, through drawings or writing to help us explain why we think what we think.
Maths - Multiplication
Science - Animals including Humans
Maths - In the classroom, the children are used to copying out the sheet neatly into their books and should know how to do so. I will explain how the children usually do this and will model what this looks like. It's important we keep high standards even in Zoom classrooms!
If your child is finding it too much, please feel free to print it off and fill it in.